Sleepless in Missouri: Keeping Bed Bugs Out of Your Bed

Bed bugs weren't always a concern for folks in Northeastern Missouri. Reports of bed bug infestations were far and few between just a decade ago. However, nowadays, one in every five homes or hotels has reported a bed bug problem.

Why has this become such a problem?

Well, for starters, more and more people are traveling than ever before. Whether staying domestic or traveling abroad, they have a higher chance of encountering bed bugs. And bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers.

Additionally, many pesticides have become banned or are less effective against bed bugs. That means pest control companies have fewer tools to get the job done.

Unfortunately, bed bugs are a growing concern for homeowners in Northeast Missouri.

Identifying, preventing, and controlling bed bug infestations is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable home. This article will provide essential insights into managing bed bugs effectively.

Identification and Life Cycle


Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed. They have flat, oval bodies and are most active at night, feeding on the blood of humans and animals.

Key signs of a bed bug infestation include:

Bite Marks: Small, red, itchy welts on the skin, often in a line or cluster.

Blood Stains: Small blood stains on sheets and pillowcases.

Fecal Spots: Tiny, dark spots (about the size of a pinhead) on bedding and furniture.

Shed Skins: Exoskeletons left behind as the bed bugs molt.


Bed bugs undergo five developmental stages before reaching adulthood:

  • Egg Stage: Females lay tiny, white eggs in hidden crevices.

  • Nymph Stage: Nymphs hatch from eggs and go through five molts, requiring a blood meal before each molt.

  • Adult Stage: Fully grown bed bugs can live for several months and reproduce rapidly.

Effective Beg Bug Strategies


If you want to keep bed bugs far from your home, then there are a few things you must do to not bring them with you back from a trip.

First, check your bedding, mattresses, and furniture for signs of bed bugs. Then, when you stay somewhere, check their mattresses and bedding, too!

Bed bugs love to hide in clutter and are attracted to vertical posts. Minimizing hiding spots in a bedroom or around your bed can also be helpful.


While there are a lot of myths and DIY tips out there, only a handful of techniques are actually going to help you eliminate your bed bug problem on your own.

One of the things you can do to reduce bed bugs is vacuuming and washing your clothes and sheets in hot water. Keeping things clean will do a lot of good. Heat can kill any bed bugs on clothing or bedding materials, so washing in hot water and drying on high heat can help.

Another way to deal with bed bugs in your bed is to enclose your entire mattress in a sealed mattress cover. A mattress encasement will seal any bed bugs on your mattress inside, and they can't reach you to suck your blood at night. But you must enclose your bed for at least a year to ensure all the bed bugs are dead!


Dealing with bed bugs is not fun for anyone. If you want a faster and better way to eliminate bed bugs, contact a professional pest control company for help.

Pest Pro Solutions can help you make pest control easy and convenient. Our professional team of experts has the knowledge and skills to keep bed bugs far away from your home.  We use the most effective treatments that help you get rid of your bed bug problems once and for all.

Whether you need a bed bug inspection, monitoring, or effective treatments, you're just a call away from getting a pest-free home.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation!



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